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Keep Going

Life will throw curve balls, and obstacles at you. Sometimes it seems as if you cant catch a break. It seem that you just cant get ahead; bills piling up, you're falling behind and cant see any clear way of catching up, you keep getting bad news, you cant seem to find a job. Its just one thing after another. You feel like giving up, just throwing up your hands in defeat. It seems that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Just more tunnel.

At these very times, these very moments, are when you have to persevere. These are the times when you just have to simply keep going. All o these obstacles are just that, obstacles. A speed bump to deter you from being the best you that you can be, to keep you from chasing your dreams. These obstacles, are meant to keep you focused on the negative aspects of your life. They keep you from seeing the bigger picture, keep you from pushing on. KEEP GOING.

When it feels like you your at the end of the road, get off the road and KEEP GOING. When you cant see the light at the end of the tunnel, build a fire and KEEP GOING. When life drops a ton of bricks in your path, build a brick road, and KEEP GOING.

"It's a struggle every day just to hold on"-Tupac Shakur...

"And it's crazy, it seems it'll never let up, but Please, you got to keep your head up"-Tupac Shakur

It will get better. just dont give up. Just KEEP GOING.

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